Sunday, 22 February 2009

Network light blinking

For some reason, some person decided that it's very nice to see your network light of your Wifi blinking. Every laptop user should know that this can be very irritating because usually this light is in front of you.

There are ways to solve this problem, I know one of the solutions and I will explain it here.

First of all you need a network manager which is able to run a script after the connection has been made. Because I use Wicd Network manager which you can download from this location: (follow the installation instructions from there website)

Now we have to create script which can be run by Wicd. Open a Terminal and type the following: > sudo gedit /etc/network/if-up.d/noblink

After you have typed your password, a file editor will open. Paste the following lines in the file and save and close it:

echo none > /sys/class/leds/iwl-phy0:RX/trigger
echo none > /sys/class/leds/iwl-phy0:TX/trigger
echo none > /sys/class/leds/iwl-phy0:radio/trigger
echo none > /sys/class/leds/iwl-phy0:assoc/trigger

Now we are almost finished, the only thing we have to do, is telling Wicd that it should run this file after the connection has been made. Open Wicd, and go to the Wireless network connection which you want to use. Click on the white arrow which will collapse the advanced settings of the Wifi connection. Here you can click scripts, and after you have entered your admin password you wil be able to tell which script has to been run and when. Have a look at the screenshot and do the same.

To test if this works, disable your Wifi and enable it. Now try to make the connection to your Wifi network and if everything works fine, you will see that the blinking has been stopped. The only problem with this setup is, that you have to specify for every Wifi connection that this script should be used.

1 comment:

  1. I am relatively new to Linux (ubuntu). The controls for leds seems to have changed in the latest 10.10 release. Do you happen to know how to turn off the wifi blinking on this release? Thanks!
